Quilled Buddha - How I did it

The Buddha

I really don't know where my fascination and inspiration for this piece came from. But the theme was so stuck in my head, I just had to put it to paper - and once I started I just didn't want to stop. 

Everything is done on a large black piece of thick card stock measuring 25x25 inches.
Some of the other materials I used are:
5mm quilling strips
5mm metallic quilling strips
Clear drying glue from Pidilite
Metallic silver pen
Pearl stick on embellishments
Quilling tool
Crimper tool

* You can find all the materials at the Itsy Bitsy store near you or at the online store.

If you're working on a black surface, I'd suggest drawing out your design on a different sheet and then transfer it onto your black card stock or background because sometimes there are some unruly and stubborn marks left behind. Sometimes it can also be the eraser that leaves the marks. I find it better to avoid it altogether if I can.
