Green ~ things you didn’t know about it.

We all know that the colour green symbolises nature, life and youth - but here are some facts you may not know about the colour green.

Quilled turtle keychain


1 - It is known as a safe color worldwide which is why first-aid equipment is often green. Fire escape exit signs are green in most countries.


2 - Green is the color used for night vision goggles because the human eye is most sensitive and able to distinguish the most shades in that color.

Gold and green filigree earrings


3 - The color green is often used as a symbol of sickness, you’ll most likely have noticed this in cartoons; the character often has a green face when being sick.


4 - In North American stock markets, green is used to indicate a rise in stock prices, however In East Asian stock markets, green indicates a drop in stock prices.

Quilled card


5 - Green has long been a symbol of fertility and was once the preferred color choice for wedding gowns in the 1400’s.


6 - Green was a sacred color to the Egyptians representing the hope and joy of spring. The floors of the temples were green.

Silver and green chandelier earrings


7 - Kermit the Frog doesn’t find it easy bein’ green!


8 - Suicides dropped by 34% when London’s Blackfriar Bridge was painted green.


Green dragon vein agate and crystal
macrame bracelet. 

 Everything you see here is available for purchase. 
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